2021 Can-Am Commander walkaround video
April 15, 2021I’m like a kid in a candy store, Can-Am has finally updated the Commander!
This one hits a little closer to home for me as I owned two Can-Am Commanders in the last 10 years. Bought and paid for out of my own pocket. I knew every single mut, bolt, pushpin, connectors, ECU, Engine and powertrain like the back of my hand. All the service bulletins, diagnostic procedures, the works!
Obviously, I also knew all the shortcomings of the Commander platform some serious, most just things that nag the user.
I was fortunate enough to get the new 2021 Commander for almost a month to play with and have enough time to get a solid impression of the new design. I wish to extend my thanks to BRP’s press relations folks who were extremely helpful getting me some very desired one on one time with the new Can-Am.